
These are my moments and my memories.  I want to leave a legacy for my three daughters and all I hold dear to my heart.  This is a glimpse into our very blessed and often crazy, busy lifestyle.

About Me:

  • I am passionate about travel.
  • I am a planner by heart, so I love the little details and logistics.
  • I am a researching nerd, I love to learn and gain knowledge.  Travel is my greatest teacher.
  • I am a child of God.  My patron saints are St. Anthony, St. Francis and St. Bridget.
  • I desire to be more domesticated.
  • I have a sweet tooth and will devour bananas foster at any hour.
  • I am not athletic, but love to dance and enjoy bowling.
  • I believe in sweet serendipity.

About My Hubby:

I married my high school sweetheart.  He likes to drive fast and turn left.  We are often found at the local dirt tracks cheering him on.

About My Dollies 3:

As a child, one of my favorite songs that my mother would sing to me was “Playmate.”  As I became a mother, I sang this same song to my daughters as often as I could.  My three daughters are affectionately known as my dollies three.

But enough about me already…tell me about you!

Would you like to stay for a while?  Can I offer you a water, soda, coffee or tea? 😉